Argos News
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Fifteenth Session of Argos Joint Tariff Agreement Executive Committee
18 - 19 July 2017, Toulouse, France Participant Name Country Executive Committee Eric LOCKLEAR (Executive Committee Chair) United States Kim HOLLAND United States Salim JAVED United Arab...
Argos Forum #84 | Argos, Serving Marine Protected Areas
Juvenile sea turtles and Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf of Mexico, Using Argos to track sharks in the Malpelo sanctuary, Learning more about basking sharks with Argos, etc.
Movement of Pacific cod in Korean waters
At the 2nd Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop in Incheon, Korea, Dr. Sukyung Kang of Korea's National Institute of Fisheries will present the results of her study: "Movement of Pacific cod...
2nd Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop
The 2nd Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop will be held in Incheon, Korea, on July 4th & 5th, 2017. It is hosted by Dr. Jin-Han Kim, Director of the Animal Resources Division, National...
Billfish movement patterns revealed with Argos pop-up satellite tags
Dr. Wei-Chuan (Riyar) Chiang of Fisheries Research Institute, Taiwan, will share the results of his studies on "Vertical and horizontal movements of billfish in the northwestern Pacific Ocean...
Shedding light on the life of spotted seals in the Sea of Japan
At the 2nd Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop in Incheon, Korea, Dr. Mari Kobayashi, Ph.D, will present her work "Estimation on area of use and feeding patterns by Argos satellite-tracking of...
Mapping Asian bird migration routes with Argos
At the 2nd Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop in Incheon, Korea, Dr. Heqi Wu, a Chinese ornithologist, will present "An introduction on Sino-BON birds CAS and major works." He will...
Argos reveals migration and dive behavior of sea turtles in the North Pacific
Argos satellite telemetry studies over the last two decades revealed that sea turtles undertake wide-range migration, and often trans-oceanic migration. Moreover, advanced Argos PTT (Platform...
Argos to study the migration of raptors in East Asia: Present state and future
Dr. Hiroyoshi Higuchi, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University, and his colleagues have satellite-tracked the migration of raptors for about 20 years. The species include...
The magical journey of Japanese Swans revealed with Argos
Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma is located in northern Japan, covering an area of 491ha. The lake is renowned internationally for its high biodiversity. It is a Ramsar site, protected by an...
Finding CSIRO’s Glider 416 following a shark attack
On January 21st 2016, Rob Gregor (CSIRO) and his team from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) deployed the Slocum glider 416 (Amy) as part of the eReefs project to observe the water...
Caspian seal ecology and conservation
By Lilia Dmitrieva, Simon J. Goodman, School of Biology, University of Leeds, UK The Caspian seal (Pusa caspica) is a small-bodied, ice-breeding phocid, endemic to the landlocked Caspian Sea in...
Argos Forum #83 | Argos, Protecting Endangered Species
Caspian seal ecology and conservation, Using Argos to identify key marine areas for conservation of endangered green turtles, A conservation success story: The whooping crane, etc.
New JTA Tariff Policy
A new JTA Tariff Policy was voted in 2016 and will be applied for all JTA programs as of 2017. The new policy is based on time slots to ensure a more transparent, easier to understand invoice unit...
Undersea moorings recovered after 13 years of submersion thanks to Argos
In February 2016, Jean-Louis Lamy (from LAMY Marine Consulting) was tasked with recovering four subsurface moorings off Crozet Island, that had been deployed more than 13 years ago. The moorings,...
100% of our pop-up tags recovered thanks to the Goniometer
Rick Goetz (NOAA NWFSC) leased the Argos Goniometer in May 2016 in order to recover pop-up satellite tags (model: SeaTag-MOD from Desert Star Systems). Using the Argos Goniometer, Rick noted, "We...
Biologistes of Southern latitudes in Toulouse for the Argos seminar
Copyright Thibault Powolny Based at the Centre d'Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, in the Deux-Sèvres region of eastern France, the real field of investigation of these biologists is thousands of...
The New ArgosWeb Interface is Here!
A new version of ArgosWeb is available as of September 26th with a lot of new features as well as your old favorites. To try it out, login! Features Responsive design (entirely compatible with smart...
Eric Stéphan of APECS explains monitoring of basking sharks
APECS (Association for the study and conservation of selachians) is a Brittany-based organization with a scientific and educational mission. It acts in favor of the conservation of sharks, rays and...
Tiger shark feeding follows by satellite tag
Researchers from James Cook University fitted more than 10 tiger sharks and 10 green sea turtles with satellite tags at Raine Island over a five year period to better understand tiger shark...
World Sea Turtle Day with Argos
Like some other turtle species, Hawksbill sea turtle populations are in decline globally, due to illegal trading of turtle shells, hunting, bycatch in tuna fisheries, and habitat loss. Argos...
Beluga Whales followed by Argos satellite tags
Beluga whales are very difficult to observe, which is why scientists from the University of Washington use Argos satellite tags to better understand their behavior and the environment in which they...
World Sea Turtle Day with Argos
Over 6893 marine sea turtles have been tracked with Argos since the beginning of the Argos system over 30 years ago. Like some other turtle species, Hawksbill sea turtle populations are in decline...
The EO4Wildlife project aims to provide an intelligent platform for biologists, ecologists and ornithologists around the world that fuses European Sentinel Copernicus Earth Observation data with...
Big data platform integrating Copernicus and Argos data The EO4Wildlife project aims to provide an intelligent platform for biologists, ecologists and ornithologists around the world that fuses...
Argos Forum #82 | Wildlife Conservation in the Middle East
Using Argos to identify important sites for flamingos in a rapidly changing landscape, to track sooty falcons from Oman to Madagascar, Marine turtles conservation and monitoring in Ras Laffan City and Qatar, etc.
Workshop for French Argos wildlife users
Are you an Argos user or a future Argos user in France?
CLS will organize a one-day seminar for animal trackers in October in Toulouse.
Come share your experiences with Argos and be part of the French Argos community !
A successful 1st Argos Asian Bird Tracking Workshop
Tokyo, Japan. 57 people from 6 countries were present on March 9th for the first Asian bird tracking workshop.
Photo courtesy of Nigel Cantle.
Oceanology international 2016
CLS will be present at the largest ocean technology event of the year. We hope to see you there!
Follow HUNIDA, a whale Shark near Djibouti with MEGAPTERA association
Sharky DJ project : the monitoring program of tracking HUNIDA, a whale shark near Djibouti, in West Africa.
Photo credit : MEGAPTERA