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Argos Chipset Giveaway Contest : want to help create an open source Argos tag?

By combining tracking and localization data, Argos enables scientists worldwide to improve their understanding of animal behavior and their knowledge of climatology. This is why it is essential to develop more efficient beacons adapted to the monitoring of the greatest number of species. For the past 3 years, CLS has been working with its partners on a fourth-generation ARGOS transmitter / receiver, known as ARTIC (Argos Transceiver Integrated Chipset), it weighs less than 1 gram and measures only 7mm.
Its advantages: low consumption, low cost and efficient transmission.
The goal of the Argos chipset contest is to work with an organization to develop an open-sourced Argos transmitter. If your organization is interested in working with CLS please review the contest requirements below.
How to apply to the contest
Applicants are requested to send in a proposal not to exceed three pages long demonstrating how they will integrate the Argos chips into an open-sourced transmitter.
The proposal should include an estimated time of completion, drawings (CAD or otherwise) of what the transmitter prototype will look like, and provide CVs of the PI and CO-PIs on the project. The proposal should also demonstrate that the applicant has the appropriate level of internal funding to cover costs associated to development, and the proposal should also address whether or not the applicant will commercialize the prototype.
There are no specifications or limitations in regards to what type of transmitter can be developed, what sensors it can have, or the size and weight. We only ask that you be innovative in the process through design, sensors, packaging, or similar thought processes.
Proposals must be emailed in PDF form to by 12:00AM October 14th, 2017. The winner will be informed via email before October 23rd, 2017. The winner should be available to give a short presentation on their project’s concept at the Argos Manufacturer’s Meeting (November 2nd-3rd; Woods Hole, MA) or provide a short video that we can play for the attendees. Alternatively, if practical, we can live video stream a call-in.
Criteria to Apply
1. The applicant must fall under one of the following categories:
A. Educational organization
B. Community college
C. Research organization
D. Charitable organization
E. Non-governmental organization (NGO)
F. Similar type organization
(Private companies are not allowed to apply)
2. The applicant must have the engineering resources to develop and prototype physical hardware using the Argos chipset (should have a suitable engineering team and/or advisors along with appropriate hardware and/or finances to cover additional expenses).
Note: CLS will not provide additional tools, software, or finances; CLS will only provide the Argos chipset developers kit including 2 chips, evaluation board, Argos service and appropriate technical support.
Selection Criteria
The following information is a guide as to how we will select the winner. We recommend reading this and catering your proposal accordingly. These are in order of importance:
Innovative projects: new application using Argos satellite technology, new type of transmitter, technological breakthrough, etc.
Organizations that can demonstrate prior experience in prototyping, design, and manufacturing/testing prototypes.
Projects taking into consideration the environmental impact: long life products, reusability, recoverability, etc.
When the anticipated time of completion would be (consider providing a timeline of milestones rather than a number of weeks/months).
Requirements for the Winning Organization
The winning organization will submit a progress report every two to three months for review depending on the average estimated time of completion. This timeline will be discussed with the winning organization. Meanwhile, any technical questions should be immediately addressed to artic-support@cls.fr. After the project is completed the winning organization must submit all manufacturing and design files to CLS.
At this time CLS may make the results (including manufacturing and design files) open sourced so that any other groups may improve upon the prototype. Any immediate questions about the contest may be directed to our environmental monitoring team argoschipsetcontest@cls.fr
Read more about the Argos chipset :
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