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Argos, Serving Marine Protected Areas

Did you know that 71% of Earth’s surface are oceans, but only 3% of the world’s oceans are protected in actively managed Marine Protected Areas (MPA)? And yet… did you know that 625+ animals are tracked by Argos in MPA worldwide? Including turtles, sharks, penguins and rays … to name just a few. The new ArgosForum magazine, ArgosForum #84, is now available online. Learn more about how the Argos satellite data collection and telemetry system is a key tool within Marine Protected Areas, in the run up to the IMPAC-4 conference dedicated to Marine Protected Areas to be held in Chile in September 2017.
Image copyright Simon J. Pierce: https://www.simonjpierce.com
ArgosForum #84 contents:
- Juvenile sea turtles and Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf of Mexico (By Katrina Phillips, University of Central Florida, United States)
- Using Argos to track sharks in the Malpelo sanctuary (By Sandra Bessudo, Malpelo and Other Marine Ecosystems Foundation, Colombia)
- Learning more about basking sharks with Argos (By Eric Stéphan and Alexandra Rohr, APECS, France)
- Penguins show the way for marine spatial planning (By Keith Reid, CCAMLR, Australia)
- The extraordinary migration of the Hudsonian godwit (By Luis Espinosa G., Conservación Marina, Chile)
- Projects: Understanding sea turtles in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (By Pierre Gilles, Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, Monaco)
- News: Introducing a new data portal merging Earth Observation & wildlife tracking data! (By Garance Weller, CLS, France)
- Fun facts about Argos in Marine Protected Areas