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A successful meeting for the Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Community

Jul 25, 2017

On July 4th-5th, the Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Community gathered at the National Institute of Biological Resources in Incheon, Korea. More than 80 people were present over two days of scientific presentations on research using the Argos satellite system.

The first day of the workshop, “Revealing the extraordinary migratory journeys of birds with Argos,” included speakers from Korea, Japan, China and Mongolia.

argos workshop

Argos Workshop in Incheon, Korea.

The second day of the workshop, “Uncovering the mysteries of marine mammals and pelagic species with Argos”, included speakers from Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

Fascinating presentations on Argos

The presentations from our user community were fascinating, and the exchanges were rich. Overall, the event was a success, reinforcing the network of exchange and collaboration surrounding the use of Argos wildlife tracking technology in the region.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to our host, Dr. Jin-Han Kim, Director of  the Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea, supporting host, Dr. Su-Kyung Kang, NIFS (National Institute of Fisheries Science), as well as to all of our speakers, sponsors and attendees.

Looking forward to next year

This event has consolidated the Argos Asian Wildlife Monitoring Community and we hope that there will continue to be very good interactions between existing and perspective new users in that part of the world. To continue to build on this dynamic, next year, the Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop will most likely be held in China.

Argos workshop

Attendees at the 2nd Argos Asian Wildlife Tracking Workshop in Incheon, Korea.