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Lesser Kestrels back in Bulgaria

Lesser Kestrels back in Bulgaria

Endangered species can be locally so. The Lesser Kestrel, a small falcon, was all but extinct in Bulgaria. A project enabled to reintroduce the prey bird in this country, with satellite tagging and tracking of its migration, to understand the best way to protect it....
On the track of the polar bears

On the track of the polar bears

Polar bears live in a challenging environment for human beings, and getting close to them is not without dangers. Wildlife tracking using Argos PTTs has thus enabled us to know more about them. The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is heavily dependent on sea ice, since...
Two tags on a shark: a world first

Two tags on a shark: a world first

The french association APECS (Association for the Study and Conservation of Selachians) is a Brest association dedicated to the study and conservation of sharks and rays. The members of this association regularly use Argos tags to be able to follow the selected...
News about the Rana turtle

News about the Rana turtle

Do you remember Rana? This is the turtle collected and treated for four years by the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. After his release and the few adventures to find the camera that filmed his first 24h of freedom, Rana has already traveled more than 300km. The...
Scolopax rusticola without frontiers

Scolopax rusticola without frontiers

The Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola, is a very special bird as it is crepuscular. During the day, it rests in places where there is not much light.  Thus, this species was not very well known before the first tracking – in 2006, as before that the lightest Argos...
Elephant seals diving for science

Elephant seals diving for science

The marine animals living in the open ocean, and especially in the Southern Ocean, are among the ones which knowledge benefitted the most from Argos wildlife tracking. We discovered a lot about Southern Elephant seals, among those – depths of dive, paths followed,...
Siberian Arctic fox on the move

Siberian Arctic fox on the move

Nowadays Arctic wildlife is often endangered by climate changes and human activities, and they are not always very well known. The arctic fox is a small animal, white in Winter, living around the Arctic circle. In Siberia it has been little studied for now, but...
Argos’ challenges for ActInSpace 2018

Argos’ challenges for ActInSpace 2018

ActInSpace is an innovation contest (Hackathon) initiated by the French Space Agency (CNES) uniting over 60 cities across 5 continents. This international event aims to bring together entrepreneurs, students, developers, creatives… For 24 hours,...
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