Jun 18, 2015 | Birds, News, Pollution, Wildlife Monitoring
Dozens of brown pelicans were victim of oil pollution due to Refugio State Beach pipeline rupture off the Santa Barbara coast on May 19 th, 2015 The Oiled Wildlife Care Network oversaw/organized their clean- up and rehabilitation at the Los Angeles Oiled Bird...
Jun 15, 2015 | News, Wildlife Monitoring
Two recent articles published in the peer-reviewed journal, Science magazine, “Terrestrial animal tracking as an eye on life and planet” (Kays et al.) and “Aquatic animal telemetry: A panoramic window into the underwater world” (Hussey et al.) point to the new era of...
Jun 2, 2015 | Birds, Goniometer, News, Wildlife Monitoring
The sat-tags were deployed in Spain and Portugal since 2013 (60 in total) and birds were followed traveling from their wintering grounds in Africa and Iberia to their breeding grounds in Western Europe and back. The goniometer has been used in Germany and in The...
May 19, 2015 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Mary Lee has recently attracted a lot of attention on social media through her @MaryLeeShark Twitter account. This 3.500 pound white shark was tagged two years ago by Gregory Skomal, Senior fisheries biologist with Massachusetts Marine Fisheries, with an Argos...
Apr 28, 2015 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Movebank help animal tracking researchers to manage, share, protect, analyze, and archive their data. Movebank is an international project used by research and conservation groups around the world. Movebank users retain full ownership of their data and can choose...
Apr 28, 2015 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
The project is implemented for a period of 2 years by the MIA – Mediterranean Association of Producers Organisations – as part of development actions and support of French Mediterranean fisheries, with the support of the France Fishing industry (FFP), the...