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Refugio oil spill: Pelican victims fitted with Argos satellite tags successfully released into the wild !

Jun 18, 2015

Dozens of brown pelicans were victim of oil pollution due to Refugio State Beach pipeline rupture off the Santa Barbara coast on May 19 th, 2015 The Oiled Wildlife Care Network oversaw/organized their clean- up and rehabilitation at the Los Angeles Oiled Bird Care and Education center.

Twelve of the birds were equipped with Argos satellites tags manufactured by North Star before being released into the wild on the 12 th of June. Their little Argos “backpacks” will transmit location data to the scientists in order to determine survival rates behavioral aspects following the release.

Will the pelican’s behavior be changed after the traumatic event? If so, to what extent? These are questions that wildlife monitoring experts including Juliet Lamb will be trying to answer in order to adapt conservation strategies.

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