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Tracking Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa)

Jun 2, 2015

The sat-tags were deployed in Spain and Portugal since 2013 (60 in total) and birds were followed traveling from their wintering grounds in Africa and Iberia to their breeding grounds in Western Europe and back.

The goniometer has been used in Germany and in The Netherlands to find living birds to establish breeding results of tagged birds and to retrieve PTT’s from dead birds in order to learn more about the causes of mortality (and to re-use the tag!). In July they went to Extremadura, Spain and central and western Morocco to trace dead birds. So far the success rate reported has been a 100% (n= 12; 6 dead/ 6 alive). Other people from this Institute  have used the goniometer even more frequently to track and trace dead and living godwits throughout Europe in summer 2015.

This Institute is very happy with the goniometer because it is a tremendous help to locate PTT’s.

Type : Animals