Sep 24, 2018 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Although Mediterranean ecosystems such as coastal lagoons are known to be productive habitats providing numerous silver eels in short generation time, migration routes used by silver eels in the Mediterranean Sea have been poorly studied. Using pop-up satellite during...
Sep 24, 2018 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
The Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme is a five year duration project funded by the EU (DG-DEVCO) and ICCAT signatory countries (CPCs). Its aim is to improve the management of the three main tropical tuna stocks (bigeye, skipjack and yellowfin) in the...
Sep 24, 2018 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Armelle Jung’s presentation at the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW) will focus on the pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus). It is one of the largest and most abundant open ocean predators in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), and one of the...
Sep 24, 2018 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Francisco Alemany’s presentation at the European User’s Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW) will focus on the ICCAT Atlantic Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (ICCAT GBYP) started with electronic tag activities on Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus...
Sep 19, 2018 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Fisheries management is a touchy question all around the world. The many species exploited require quotas, seasonal or regional limitations on fishing in order to maintain stocks at renewable levels. Argos satellite telemetry enables better understanding of the...
Jul 31, 2018 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Whale sharks are about the opposite of your archetypal shark. These gentle giants, the biggest fish in Earth’s oceans, are living on a steady diet of plankton (with the addition of small crustacean, fish and squids). There’s still a lot we don’t know about this...