Aug 31, 2015 | News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
The Argo Program Argo is an international program aimed at seeding the global ocean with 3000 profiling floats which measure temperature and salinity from surface to 2000 meters depth. As these floats are autonomous and tend to drift with the currents while at the...
Jul 27, 2015 | News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Argos transmitters attached to a fishes in New Brunswick in 2014 were just recovered in Greenland and Ireland. The Argos tags are attached to selected salmon by the Atlantic Salmon Federation in an effort to try and discover the reasons for high mortality at sea....
Jul 15, 2015 | Marine Animals, News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology, Wildlife Monitoring
As of May 2015, a one-of-the-kind web portal named MEOP (Mammal Exploring the Ocean from Pole to Pole) provides operational access to the full international database of validated ocean observations collected by marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and turtles....
Jul 6, 2015 | News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven natural wonders in the world, and home to 400 species of coral and 1.500 species of fish including the rare dugongs and snubfin dolphins. Prominent marine conservationists including Nan Hauser are calling for a better...
Jul 6, 2015 | Birds, News, Wildlife Monitoring
The sooty falcon population is highly vulnerable The Sooty falcon Falco concolor is a medium-sized falcon that breeds on the islands of the Arabian Gulf, during the hottest months of the year from May to September. During its non-breeding periods, the Sooty falcon...
Jul 6, 2015 | Fish, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Tiger sharks, an IUCN ‘near-threatened’ species, are widely believed to be a coastal species. But in an article published in Scientific Reports on June 9th, 2015, scientists James Lea and Brad Wetherbee, Ph.D., of Nova Southeastern University’s Guy Harvey Research...