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Monaco Blue Initiative: Putting MPAs on the international agenda

The tenth edition of the Monaco Blue Initiative took place on March 24th-25th in Monaco under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. This edition, like the previous editions, was was dedicated to Marine Protected Areas. The attendees supported ambitious goals for the protection of our oceans, such as:
- Classifying 30% of the oceans’ surface as Marine Protected Areas by 2030.
- Classifying the entire continent of Antarctica as Marine Protected Area.
- Aiming for a binding international treaty to protect the High Seas, ocean areas that are outside of national jurisdiction, that represent half of the ocean’s surface.
Read the complete report on what was decided at the 10th Monaco Blue Initiative.
Protecting the oceans for tomorrow
Organized by the Oceanographic Institute, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the event gathered 140 participants from 26 countries. Participants included Ministers of Environment and Ministers for Fisheries from countries who are dedicated to protecting their marine resources (Costa Rica, Cap Vert, Indonesia, Seychelles….). In addition, directors of non-governmental organizations such as Pew Charitable Trust, Conservation International, WWF, attended, as well as scientists and managers of Marine Protected Areas.
As operator of the Argos satellite system, the first satellite system to track the migration of marine animals, CLS was invited to attend this event by the Oceanographic Institute. CLS was also present to promote satellite solutions, as satellite technology is the only tool capable of covering the vast open spaces that need to be monitored in the High Seas.
To learn more:
Website: http://monacoblueinitiative.org/

Official photo from Monaco Blue Initiative 2019. ©M_Dagnino-Institut-océanographique