Jan 8, 2019 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
In the French West Indies, five turtle species are threatened. This includes the hawksbill turtle, green turtle, leatherback turtle, loggerhead turtle and olive Ridley turtle. Three of these species are tracked closely by national and local authorities. Protecting...
Oct 9, 2018 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
At the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife, Philippine Chambault of IFREMER presents this fascinating project of the French Research agency IPHC-CNRS. Although it is commonly assumed that female sea turtles always return to the beach they hatched, the pathways...
Oct 4, 2018 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Brendan Godley, of University of Exeter has been tracking turtles using the ARGOS system for 20 years and has been involved in collaborative projects that have tagged over 500 hundred animals across the world. This has led to fundamental and applied insights for...
Oct 3, 2018 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
There is little known for cetacean species such as pygmy blue whales, but they are at the forefront of protection policies around the world. The distribution of those whales around New Zealand are studied using Argos PTTs and goniometer. There are two subspecies of...
Oct 1, 2018 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Southern Ocean predators tend to lead cryptic lives, which in many cases are spent mostly at sea. This makes their foraging behaviour inherently difficult to study. Furthermore, numerous species are threatened through direct human conflict (such as fisheries related...
Sep 27, 2018 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Hervé Lormée, of the French Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage, will present his work Argos at the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW). The European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur shows one of the most dramatic population decline among...