Nov 16, 2014 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Dr. Wells has been using Argos to track dolphins and small whales since 1997. His involvement includes the tagging and/or tracking of more than 100 small cetaceans of 8 species, ranging in size from franciscanas up to pilot whales. His current research program uses a...
Aug 26, 2014 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
100 argos satellite transmitters were deployed on adult green turtles and 19 loggerhead turtles for the DYMITILE project. 20 new Argos will be deployed in 2014 and 2015 on loggerhead turtles accidentally caught by fishermen in the Reunion. The project is called...
Mar 16, 2014 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
The Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, hosted every year by the International Sea Turtle Society (ISTS), is a unique event that draws participants from around the world, from across disciplines and cultures to a common interest and objective: the...
Aug 7, 2013 | Marine Animals, News, Wildlife Monitoring
Sea turtles, are highly migratory have a complex life cycle and use a wide range of habitats. All five turtle species found along the Brazilian coast are endangered and included in the National Brazilian Endangered Fauna Species List of the Ministry of the...