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Argos support: your daily operations partner

Last year we met with Charles Drieu La Rochelle, member of the user support team in France, to find out more about CLS Group’s excellent customer care. But, did you know that he’s part of a dynamic duo? We thought it was time to introduce the other half, Maud Pageot.
Maud, tell us about yourself and what you do at CLS
I actually first spent a year in another support team at CLS before becoming the dedicated Argos support for wildlife tracking. On a day-to-day basis, I work with the sales staff and the administrative assistants to implement the service chosen by the customer beforehand. I am also available when the customer has a question, a need or a problem with their data in the after-sales service. I also work in conjunction with our technical telemetry department when the need for expertise is more advanced.
What support do you provide?
I am in charge of the animal service, I am here to take care of the requests for using the Argos service (SUA request), from the beginning of the process to the end, the generation of the new ID numbers and the sending of the identifiers to access the ArgosWeb platform. I’m here to answer your questions and provide my expertise to solve all your technical needs.
When are the support teams available?
I am available via the support email address useroffice@groupcls.com between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. It is also possible to arrange a video meeting for a specific need such as understanding the SUA application process or if you require more in-depth explications/demos.
As CLS Group is an international country, we have various support teams around the world that can take over in other time zones, such as the userservices team at Woods Hole Group in the USA.
Finally, we also have an operations center which is available 24/7 so, there is always a support team member available!
Finally, what do you like most about your job?
I really enjoy the versatility of the job and the exchange with clients to help them carry out their projects. No day is exactly the same! The environmental value and the protection of animals are also aspects that are very important to me. I see it as a way for me to participate as a link in a big chain towards the protection of our precious environment and biodiversity.