Argos News
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Philippine eagles forage in human fragmented forests
Protecting critically endangered species aims to better assess where and when the main threats to these species occurs. Using satellite telemetry technology, Philippine eagles were tracked to define...
Identifying reddish egrets stopover sites to protect their migrations
Migratory birds, especially those which depend on coastal wetland habitats, are among the threatened animals. Identifying the key sites in their life cycle, including the stopovers used during...
Shark week: Dr. Gregory Skomal talks tagging and what the future constellation will bring
"I think anyone who’s used Argos will have to admit that they’ve learned something revelatory. The more we use Argos to track animal movements, the more we see that their movements are far more...
Japan-nesting loggerhead turtles foraging habitats
Loggerhead turtles can forage either on continental shelf or in the open ocean. The North Pacific population, nesting whole in Japan show both behaviours. Their foraging areas are pinpointing using...
A nursery for juvenile reef manta rays
Reef manta rays are a vulnerable species. They grow up in protected shallow areas such as lagoons. Tracking them with Argos can help to confirm that a given lagoon is a nursery for this species...
Juvenile grey-headed albatrosses learn to decode their environment
Uncovering how young animals learn to move efficiently and find food, is one of the many possible uses of satellite telemetry. Here, researchers from British Antarctic Survey satellite-tracked...
Harp seal juveniles learn on their own
Harp seal juveniles leave their native ice pack to forage and migrate on their own. Tracking them and recording their dive can help understand how they manage their first year. Ultimately, the...
How can CLS support your daily operations with Argos?
This month we've decided to take you back stage to meet Charles Drieu La Rochelle, member of the user support team in France, to find out more about CLS Group's excellent customer care. What are the...
Argos metamorphosis update: Full-scale testing of Kinéis’ 25 nanosats has begun!
Ever wondered how small tags like the one on this cuckoo can communicate with satellites that are up to 650 km away? It all comes down to the highly sensitive receivers that make the Argos system so...
How do Egyptian geese find their way?
One of the mysteries of migrant animals is their ability to find their way back and forth during their long-range travels. Several hypothesis were tested on Egyptian geese to try to understand their...
How many Mediterranean migrating eels are eaten on their way to the Atlantic?
Analysis of migrating eels’ tracks can provide with estimate of the rate of predation on them. It seems that half of the migrating silver eels released on the French Mediterranean coast can be...
Are the Arctic hares migrating?
A number of animals are migratory. The hares do not leap to mind when listing migrating animals. However, satellite telemetry confirms arctic hares very probably migrate in Northern Canadian Arctic....
Turtles in the Bay of Biscay
Juvenile sea turtles are cared and rehabilitated at Aquarium La Rochelle, in France. Since 2008, a few of them were equipped with Argos PTTs before being released. Analysis of their tracks could...
Red Kites wintering in Spain
Red kites are medium-sized partially migratory raptor. They often winter in Spain, but their behaviour there and during those non-breeding periods have not been extensively studied using satellite...
A new king penguin colony in Magellan Strait?
King penguins are living around Antarctica, breeding on some of the sub-Antarctic islands. A new colony seems to have been established in Magellan strait, showing the high plasticity of the species....
Identifying whale migration routes in the global oceans
WWF has just published a report using 30 years of tracking for a meta-analysis of whale migration routes over all the oceans. This map of “migration highways” should help in protecting whales in...
Juveniles black-tailed godwit tracked
Tracking a European shorebird called the Black-tailed godwit (Limosa l. limosa) has previously revealed that different populations of godwits have different migratory behaviours (see Black-tailed...
Sea turtles in tropical cyclones
Collecting sea turtle-borne temperature and depth sensor data with Argos satellite telemetry tags helps to sample the first 100 m layer of tropical oceans, where tropical storms and cyclones take...
Ringed seals in a Svalbard lagoon
Ringed seals are dependent on sea ice. Throughout the Arctic, including around the Svalbard Archipelago, sea ice is declining rapidly, thus threatening these seals. Their use of a coastal lagoon was...
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shares their experience with Argos to help understand migration routes and stopover sites of the Great Knot
The Great Knot is an endangered shorebird and a long-distance migrant. Its activity was found to be mainly along the coast and was suspected to have few stopovers; while juveniles were recorded...
Full annual cycle tracking helps to explain differences in population trends of far eastern curlew
The far eastern curlew is a large shorebird, migrating between Australia and far-east Asia. Some of its populations are more endangered than others. Understanding why this might be is helped by...
Polar bears tracked for more than 30 years in the Beaufort Sea
Polar bear’s foraging success is dependent on the presence of sea ice. Arctic sea ice, however, is rapidly decreasing in extent and thickness, and summer open-water periods are lengthening. As...
Argos helps in detecting beluga whale feeding sounds
Argos can help in understanding an endangered species behavior, by providing with locations but also collecting other data measured by a wide range of possible sensors. Some populations of beluga...
Very young green turtles go into the Sargasso Sea
The life of young (“lost years”) marine turtles had long been a mystery. Improvements in satellite telemetry now enable to unveil part of it. North Atlantic young green turtles, in particular, seem...
Tracking blue-winged teals, an avian influenza host
Wild migratory waterfowl such as blue-winged teals are known host of avian influenza. They can contaminate poultry which in turn develop highly contagious poultry diseases, some rare times affecting...
Franciscana dolphins are staying close to home
Franciscana dolphins are small cetaceans living along the South American coast. They are threatened, in particular from anthropogenic activities, including fishing gear. Argos can help to better...
Chinese and Japanese sparrowhawks fly over the East-Asian continent
Chinese and Japanese sparrowhawks are migratory raptors from East Asia. They migrate from Russia and China to Indonesia and other islands nearby. Understanding their migration routes, stopover sites...
Adelie penguin movement analysed in three dimensions
Adelie penguins live and breed around Antarctica. As with all penguins, they forage in a three-dimensional environment, ranging horizontally at-sea and diving vertically to capture prey. A recent...
Constellation update: HEMERIA & Kinéis keep us informed
Kinéis, 25 nanosatellites carrying the metamorphosis of the Argos system is on its way. Our first Kinéis constellation update was earlier this year where we went backstage with Michel Sarthou,...
Tracking juvenile northern gannets: post-fledging movements and migration journeys
Juvenile northern gannets fledge independently from their parents. They are therefore required to learn flight and foraging skills and make an autumn migration on their own. Mortality in seabirds is...