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Argos Forum
Argos Forum #78 | News from the Ocean
tudies of currents in the Sea of Okhotsk and adjoining areas, Comparison of TMI and AMSR-E sea surface temperature with recent Argo near-surface temperature over the global oceans, The global drifter program and the implementation of the Argos-3 technology, etc.
Argos Forum #77 | Birds and Argos, a worldwide journey
Understanding movements of avian scavengers on both sides of the Equator, Tracking carnaby’s cockatoos in Western Australia, Natal dispersal of eagle owls: a European scale project, etc.
Argos Forum #76 | South Africa
Mapping the home range of Harpy Eagles in the Brazilian Amazon basin, Spatial ecology: tracking vicuñas in the Chilean Altiplano, Tracking sea turtles in Brazil, etc.
Argos Forum #75 | Indian Ocean
Solving the mystery of sea turtle migration in the western Indian Ocean, New insight into arabian sea OMZ using Argo oxygen data, Studying whale sharks in the western Indian Ocean, etc.
Argos Forum #74 | Establishing, managing and evaluating marine protected areas with Argos
Identifying important bird areas (IBAS) with Argos, How seabird foraging grounds indicate priority areas for MPAS, Feathers and Argos transmitters, etc.
Argos Forum #73 | Tracking pollution with Argos
In the aftermath of the Great Tsunami: Tracking the chaotic movement of marine debris, Oil and sea birds don’t mix: New technique for tracking Western Grebes, Argos data play a role in understanding the Great Garbage Patch, etc.
Argos Forum #72 | Measuring Extreme Environments
Sea of Okhotsk beluga whales: Seasonal movements and habitat use, Southern Ocean Argo: The final frontier, ROSAME network observations in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, etc.
Argos Forum #71 | Where Wildlife and Humans Intersect
Understanding the potential dispersal of HPAI H5N1 virus by migratory wildfowl, Reducing risk of osprey collisions with aircraft, How female Lesser scaup are affected by pollution in the Great Lakes, etc.
Argos Forum #70 | Argos Guinness Book
Max, the bird tracked for the longest period, The elephant, the largest land animal ever tracked by satellite, The most unlikely creature tracked by Argos: a giant jellyfish, etc.