Mar 13, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
European eels are a critically endangered species. They have a complex life-cycle with their spawning area thought to be in the Sargasso Sea. A study managed to track them to their breeding place for the first time using pop-up tags. Main Photo: European eel fitted...
Feb 28, 2023 | Land Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
The Arctic foxes have been noticed as travelling very long distances over the whole Arctic regions. Long time series of tracks retrieved by Argos enables to analyse this behaviour to understand why they might go so far, and whether they are staying there, at which...
Feb 16, 2023 | Birds, Wildlife Monitoring
Eurasian Woodcocks are birds which migrate across Europe. Their studies have long been led using rings, but the advent of small-enough satellite telemetry emitters now enables to follow them all along their migrations, from wintering to breeding sites, and to know...
Feb 3, 2023 | Birds, Wildlife Monitoring
Some bird species like the black-tailed godwits are nesting on ground, in grasslands. However, across all of lowland Europe, such areas have been transformed for intensive agriculture. Tracking by Argos helped to determine whether there is any space left in those...
Jan 19, 2023 | Land Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Understanding how a marine species uses the features of its environment is important for conservation. The northern elephant seals are close cousins to their southern equivalents. A number of tracking data exists, enabling to study their behaviors in comparison with...
Jan 5, 2023 | Goniometer, Herding, News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology, Pollution, Smart Agriculture, Wildlife Monitoring
Last year we met with Charles Drieu La Rochelle, member of the user support team in France, to find out more about CLS Group’s excellent customer care. But, did you know that he’s part of a dynamic duo? We thought it was time to introduce the other half,...