Sep 18, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Southern Ocean seals are frequently tracked marine animals. They thus provide a lot of environmental data on an otherwise poorly observed ocean. This includes bathymetry of the Antarctica continental shelf, thanks to the recorded depths of their dives. Measuring in...
Sep 4, 2023 | Birds, Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
King penguins breed on a few colonies spread around the Southern Ocean. Some years are more successful than others in that respect, and understanding why could help in protecting such threatened species. Argos can help in better assessing the reasons. King penguins...
Aug 21, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Harbour seals living in the North Sea are exposed to a heavy ship traffic. New Argos archival tags enable to record ambient sounds, so that noise exposures can be quantified at the seals’ level. A number of high amplitude noise events were detected, including in...
Aug 8, 2023 | Birds, Wildlife Monitoring
Montagu’s harriers are migratory raptors wintering in Africa from Europe. However, once there and as many migrant birds, they do not stay at the same place during the whole winter, but move from site to site. Understanding this behaviour can give hints on the...
Jul 25, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Bottlenose dolphins have been studied more in shallow waters than in deep ones. However, they do live in deep waters, for example around the Bermuda Island. Monitoring their diving behavior there using Argos PTTs leads to different estimates of their diving...
Jul 7, 2023 | Goniometer, Hardwares, Herding, News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology, Pollution, Smart Agriculture, Wildlife Monitoring
Unleash the Power of the 4th Argos Generation Experience a New Era of Excellence! Here we are: Gazelle and Ocean-Sat-3 are now fully operational and will be ready for you to use on the 10th of July! MORE Satellites, MORE Data: With 2 additional satellites, we...