Jun 18, 2015 | Birds, News, Pollution, Wildlife Monitoring
Dozens of brown pelicans were victim of oil pollution due to Refugio State Beach pipeline rupture off the Santa Barbara coast on May 19 th, 2015 The Oiled Wildlife Care Network oversaw/organized their clean- up and rehabilitation at the Los Angeles Oiled Bird...
Jun 2, 2015 | Birds, Goniometer, News, Wildlife Monitoring
The sat-tags were deployed in Spain and Portugal since 2013 (60 in total) and birds were followed traveling from their wintering grounds in Africa and Iberia to their breeding grounds in Western Europe and back. The goniometer has been used in Germany and in The...
Nov 2, 2014 | Birds, News, Wildlife Monitoring
NOAA, CNES, the National Aquarium in Baltimore (USA), CLS America, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and Discovery Channel have teamed up to organize a three-day conference from 18 to November 20, 2014, on the theme: “Evolution of...
Oct 20, 2014 | Birds, News, Wildlife Monitoring
This is a brief documentation of the satellite tagging of humpback whales undergone by Nan Hauser and an international team of experts from August-September 2014 in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Data collected from this satellite tagging project is a start to ensuring the...
Sep 29, 2014 | Birds, News, Wildlife Monitoring
In early summer 2011, two black kites were fitted with satellite tags Argos to track their path in near real time. It is possible to follow Milou and Salam via an interactive map and the blog of Adrian Aebischer. Since last month, Milou returned to southern Mauritania...
Aug 25, 2014 | Birds, News, Wildlife Monitoring
IDB Financing Assists with Flamingo Conservation and Tracking in Bolivia from BIDtv on Vimeo. As part of an IDB-financed conservation grant, the Bank is tracking the flight paths and altitude of flamingos near Laguna Colorada, Bolivia.