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The SELPAL Project

The project is implemented for a period of 2 years by the MIA – Mediterranean Association of Producers Organisations – as part of development actions and support of French Mediterranean fisheries, with the support of the France Fishing industry (FFP), the Regional Council of Hérault and the Regional Council of Pyrénées Orientales (France) in partnership with IFREMER and CEPRALMAR.
The objectives
- Quantify the impact of the longline fishery targeting bluefin tuna;
- Test measures to increase the selectivity of the longline;
- Minimize adverse impacts: improving biological and ecological knowledge of susceptible species in the Gulf of Lion.
Expected results
- Knowledge : learn about techniques, strategies, effort and fishing areas;
- The study selectivity of fishing gear;
- Risk assessment of interactions between longline and sensitive species;
- The testing of mitigation measures;
- The estimated mortality of blue shark, identification of habitat areas, estimated time of residence and movement of the species;
- The proposed management measures;
- The creation of a guide of good practice;
- The animation of a fishing workshop / Scientific dealing methods to reduce the mortality of sensitive species.