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The lynxes of Jura
A video recently posted on Facebook by Jean-Marie Thévenard, shows the passage of three lynxes, a female and her two cubs, in a snowy Jura forest.
“It is ‘just’ a female and two young lynxes close to emancipation, an image not so rare that in the Jura context, but always pleasant to see. Remember that about 120 adult lynx constitute the French population, that a little more than 80% are in the Jurassian Massif, and that every year, road collisions and poaching make part of them disappear, to such an extent that the population has stagnated for 5 years. Fortunately, some, like this little family, thwart the pitfalls and meet the discreet and benevolent photographers.”
The Athénas care centre, headed by Gilles Moyne, is expected to equip raptors with Argos beacons. These raptors (about 60!) belonged to a zoo whose treatment quality was considered unsatisfactory… Gilles Moyne and his teams are currently harboring these biodiversity refugees while waiting to release some of them.
We will keep you informed of the wanderings of those who will be equipped with Argos beacons!
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