Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Glaciology
in-house oceanographers
redundant data centers
& real-time solutions
Dedicated Services for Observing and Protecting the Earth Environment
Marine & environmental scientists rely more than ever on satellite systems to collect in-situ data to increase knowledge and protection of the ocean and ocean-atmosphere exchanges.
Available Argos modems connect new technology quickly and easily and offer data services for a broad spectrum of applications.
Latest News
Argos Services Enhanced with 4th Successful Launch of 5 Nanosats
We are excited to share that our Space IoT partner Kinéis and their launcher Rocket Lab have successfully launched another 5 nanosats for the fourth time. The addition of these state-of-the-art...
A Third Milestone for Argos Services: Successful Launch of 5 More IoT Nanosats
Congratulations to our Space IoT partner Kinéis and their launcher Rocket Lab on the third successful launch of 5 more nanosatellites. With these additional satellites now in orbit, the...
Tracking Wildlife and Protecting Oceans: Oliver Palin’s Work with CLS Oceania
As a passionate environmental scientist and technical expert, Oliver Palin is at the forefront of data-driven environmental management at CLS Oceania. With a strong background in Marine Science and...
Begin with Argos
CLS teams experts in environmental monitoring from space are at your disposal to connect any of your projects.