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New, open-source access to the Argos system
Have you ever wanted to design your own Argos satellite transmitter? Now it’s possible! CLS and the Arribada Initiative are pleased to announce a new open-source reference design by Icoteq, Ltd. Used with the ARTIC R2 chipset, a low power Argos 2/3/4 single chip radio, designed during an ESA project named SHARC, this package makes it easy to access to the Argos satellite system.
The open-sourced reference design developed by Arribada Initiative contains everything needed for communicating with the Argos Satellite System. It must be used with the ARTIC-R2 chip (the black chip as seen in the photo – only 7 mm x 7 mm in size), which is available from CLS and the Woods Hole Group. The reference design allows you to simply plug and play into your own board (via a PicoBlade connector, the white connection point pictured in the photo) or embed the design on to your own PCB in order to miniaturize the tag/system that you are developing.
Making your own Argos transmitter made easy
The Arribada Initiative is committed to developing open source conservation technologies. They have teamed up with CLS to promote this reference design and provide access to the Argos system to the largest number of conservation-minded engineers and scientists.
If you are interested in learning more about developing your own Argos transmitter, please send a message to the CLS Telemetry team. We will make sure that you receive the documentation and support to ensure that you and your team are successful.
Title photo: National Geographic “Sea to Source Expedition.” Photo copyright Alasdair Davies
Learn more
ARTIC chipset and open source reference design