Oct 15, 2013 | News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
We are pleased to announce our participation to the 14th International Argo Data Management Team Meeting (ADMT14). The meeting will offer us a chance to discuss the community’s progress in developing and enhancing the continually evolving global project.
Sep 15, 2013 | News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Development and promotion of insitu data collection by satellite for oceanographic and meteorological programs. Development of projects using new satellite systems capacities and ocean platforms.
Jan 3, 2013 | Argos Forum, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Solving the mystery of sea turtle migration in the western Indian OceanNew insight into arabian sea OMZ using Argo oxygen dataStudying whale sharks in the western Indian OceanSustainable management of tuna in north Indian OceanThe Argo program in the Indian Ocean...
Jan 23, 2012 | News, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Mini-drifters: A breakthrough in coastal Oceanography Nomad Science company has developed a new concept for measuring ocean currents in Japanese coastal zones. The mini-drifters should bring a breakthrough in Oceanography in shallow coastal waters. The aim of the...
Jul 1, 2011 | Argos Forum, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Sea of Okhotsk beluga whales: Seasonal movements and habitat useSouthern Ocean Argo: The final frontierROSAME network observations in the Southern Ocean and AntarcticaArgos-3 in the North PoleMore positions and better accuracy for Argo Download this Argos...
Feb 1, 2010 | Argos Forum, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
JCOMMOPS and Argos: 30 years of close cooperationSatellite-derived motion analysis using Argos ice buoysA short history of the surface velocity program drifter (SVP)JAMSTEC’s m-TRITON: high-speed data transmissionNews: Exciting results for the ARGOS-3 DBCP pilot...