Jan 3, 2013 | Argos Forum, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Solving the mystery of sea turtle migration in the western Indian OceanNew insight into arabian sea OMZ using Argo oxygen dataStudying whale sharks in the western Indian OceanSustainable management of tuna in north Indian OceanThe Argo program in the Indian Ocean...
May 31, 2012 | Argos Forum, Wildlife Monitoring
Identifying important bird areas (IBAS) with ArgosHow seabird foraging grounds indicate priority areas for MPASFeathers and Argos transmittersMigratory movements of sharks in the Galapagos marine reserveTracking loggerhead turtles Download this Argos...
Jan 5, 2012 | Argos Forum, Pollution
In the aftermath of the Great Tsunami: Tracking the chaotic movement of marine debrisOil and sea birds don’t mix: New technique for tracking Western GrebesArgos data play a role in understanding the Great Garbage PatchArgos tracks green tide off the Chinese...
Jul 1, 2011 | Argos Forum, Oceanography, Meteorology, Hydrology, Climatology
Sea of Okhotsk beluga whales: Seasonal movements and habitat useSouthern Ocean Argo: The final frontierROSAME network observations in the Southern Ocean and AntarcticaArgos-3 in the North PoleMore positions and better accuracy for Argo Download this Argos...
Nov 1, 2010 | Argos Forum, Wildlife Monitoring
Understanding the potential dispersal of HPAI H5N1 virus by migratory wildfowlReducing risk of osprey collisions with aircraftHow female Lesser scaup are affected by pollution in the Great LakesArgos-3 in the Canary IslandsUltra-robust Argos collars in Russia Download...
Jun 1, 2010 | Argos Forum, Wildlife Monitoring
Max, the bird tracked for the longest periodThe elephant, the largest land animal ever tracked by satelliteThe most unlikely creature tracked by Argos: a giant jellyfishAntarctic Mission – record for the lowest temperatureAbsolute record for drifting buoy...