Aug 21, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Harbour seals living in the North Sea are exposed to a heavy ship traffic. New Argos archival tags enable to record ambient sounds, so that noise exposures can be quantified at the seals’ level. A number of high amplitude noise events were detected, including in...
Jul 25, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Bottlenose dolphins have been studied more in shallow waters than in deep ones. However, they do live in deep waters, for example around the Bermuda Island. Monitoring their diving behavior there using Argos PTTs leads to different estimates of their diving...
Jun 9, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Oceanic manta rays are found around the tropical open oceans. Their presence and behaviour in the East of the Atlantic Ocean was poorly known, and has been investigated using Argos satellite telemetry and on site sighting surveys around the Cap Vert archipelago. Manta...
May 9, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico experience major hurricanes. How they respond to such extreme events is a puzzle whose answers would contribute to the conservation of these threatened and endangered species. Telemetry provides some pieces to that puzzle. On October 10,...
Apr 13, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
Green turtles are found along the West African upwelling. A network of Marine Protected Areas has been established during the past 25 years. Its efficiency towards protecting green turtles can be studied using Argos satellite telemetry. Main Photo: Green turtle with...
Mar 13, 2023 | Marine Animals, Wildlife Monitoring
European eels are a critically endangered species. They have a complex life-cycle with their spawning area thought to be in the Sargasso Sea. A study managed to track them to their breeding place for the first time using pop-up tags. Main Photo: European eel fitted...