Argos News
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The annual cycle of German adult Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) – studies in the breeding and wintering areas as well as during migration since 1995 by means of satellite telemetry
During 1995 – 2011 we marked 28 adult Ospreys in NE-Germany with satellite tags working up to eight years. All except three males wintered in West Africa. The migratory paths followed while in...
Year-round Satellite Tracking of Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis) reveals the longest migration of any raptor species across the open sea
The title for undertaking the most arduous of all raptor migrations, belongs certainly to the Amur Falcon, which is a complete transcontinental, transequatorial, long-distance flocking migrant. The...
Combining Argos and genetics to reveal connecting paths between juvenile and adult habitats in the Atlantic green turtle
At the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife, Philippine Chambault of IFREMER presents this fascinating project of the French Research agency IPHC-CNRS. Although it is commonly assumed that...
Tracking turtles to inform conservation
Brendan Godley, of University of Exeter has been tracking turtles using the ARGOS system for 20 years and has been involved in collaborative projects that have tagged over 500 hundred animals...
Understanding the movement of pygmy blue whales in New Zealand waters
There is little known for cetacean species such as pygmy blue whales, but they are at the forefront of protection policies around the world. The distribution of those whales around New Zealand are...
European Users Conference on Argos Wildlife
The European User Conference on Argos Wildlife will be held in Toulouse, France, on November 21st & 22nd, 2018. All Argos users, manufacturers or potential users are welcome to attend this...
The missing link: pelagic prey field prediction for Southern Ocean marine predators
Southern Ocean predators tend to lead cryptic lives, which in many cases are spent mostly at sea. This makes their foraging behaviour inherently difficult to study. Furthermore, numerous species are...
Using Argos for turtle dove management
Hervé Lormée, of the French Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage, will present his work Argos at the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW). The European Turtle Dove...
Finding sunfish’s pop-up Argos tag with Goniometer
The Tuna and Billfish Tagging Project in Taiwan uses Argos satellite telemetry pop-up tags to track pelagic species. A total of five tags were recently retrieved using Argos Goniometer, including...
The RSPB and Argos – an overview of using satellite telemetry in scientific research
At the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW), Nigel Butcher will discuss how the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has benefitted from the Argos tracking system. His...
Unveiling the life of Arctic marine mammals through the use of satellite telemetry
Some of the most intriguing questions about migrations and natural behavior of marine mammals are focused around Arctic seals and whales. Animals that are widely dispersed in inaccessible areas and...
New insights on porbeagle stock structure in the North East Atlantic from PSAT deployments
At the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW), Gérard Biais, Ifremer, reports on the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus), a large pelagic shark found throughout the North Atlantic. The state...
Silver Eel migration behaviour in the Mediterranean Sea
Although Mediterranean ecosystems such as coastal lagoons are known to be productive habitats providing numerous silver eels in short generation time, migration routes used by silver eels in the...
The experiences of the Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme
The Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Programme is a five year duration project funded by the EU (DG-DEVCO) and ICCAT signatory countries (CPCs). Its aim is to improve the management of the three...
COLSHARK program: first satellite tagging of thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus) in Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Armelle Jung’s presentation at the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW) will focus on the pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus). It is one of the largest and most abundant open...
The utility of Argos satellite tagging in monitoring a long-lived raptor: White-tailed Sea Eagle reintroduction to Ireland
Allan Mee, of the Golden Eagle Trust, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, presents his work reintroducing white-tailed sea eagles, at the European User Conference for Argos Wildlife (EUCAW). As...
Reporting on the work of Russian scientists in the Arctic using specialized Argos tags
Alexandre Salman, of ES-PAS, reports on the work of Russian scientists at the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW). As he explains, since Argos instruments fly onboard polar-orbiting...
Use of Argos data for fisheries management & conservation: ICCAT perspective
Francisco Alemany's presentation at the European User's Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW) will focus on the ICCAT Atlantic Wide Research Programme for Bluefin Tuna (ICCAT GBYP) started with...
Oceanographic Turtles: Integration of sea turtle tracking with ocean observing systems
At the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW), David March will present the “Oceanographic Turtles” project which aims to provide the scientific basis to support the development of risk...
When deep diving seals help us to observe rapidly changing of polar oceans
At the European User Conference on Argos Wildlife (EUCAW), Christophe Guinet's presentation will focus on how polar seals are used to collect in-situ measurements of temperature, salinity,...
Sunfish, a giant mysterious animal in our oceans
Fisheries management is a touchy question all around the world. The many species exploited require quotas, seasonal or regional limitations on fishing in order to maintain stocks at renewable...
Unlocking the mysteries of the Arctic fox
The Argos satellite telemetry system made it possible for a team of researchers led by Dominique Berteaux from the University of Québec in Rimouski to better understand the behavior of the...
The future of Argos satellite telemetry is Kinéis
For nearly 40 years, the international space agencies that manage the Argos system have been committed to technological advancements. Capitalizing on this long experience in state-of-the-art,...
Lesser Kestrels back in Bulgaria
Endangered species can be locally so. The Lesser Kestrel, a small falcon, was all but extinct in Bulgaria. A project enabled to reintroduce the prey bird in this country, with satellite tagging and...
Whale sharks, big friendly giants of the ocean
Whale sharks are about the opposite of your archetypal shark. These gentle giants, the biggest fish in Earth’s oceans, are living on a steady diet of plankton (with the addition of small crustacean,...
On the track of the polar bears
Polar bears live in a challenging environment for human beings, and getting close to them is not without dangers. Wildlife tracking using Argos PTTs has thus enabled us to know more about them. The...
Two tags on a shark: a world first
The french association APECS (Association for the Study and Conservation of Selachians) is a Brest association dedicated to the study and conservation of sharks and rays. The members of this...
News about the Rana turtle
Do you remember Rana? This is the turtle collected and treated for four years by the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. After his release and the few adventures to find the camera that filmed his first...
Scolopax rusticola without frontiers
The Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola, is a very special bird as it is crepuscular. During the day, it rests in places where there is not much light. Thus, this species was not very well known...
The adventure of the turtle named Rana and her camera
Around the 21st of June, as part of an action led by the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, Robert Calcagno, Damien Chevalier & Olivier Brunel released a sea turtle named Rana who had been...