Argos News
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Refugio oil spill: Pelican victims fitted with Argos satellite tags successfully released into the wild !
Credit Photo : Juliet Lamb
Argos, a key component of global animal observation networks
Argos, a key component of global animal observation networks
Tracking Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa)
The Conservation Ecology Group of the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences used a goniometer to track both dead and living Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa) in their long-term demographic project on this species .
MARY LEE: Argos tagged shark becomes Twitter star
Mary Lee has recently attracted a lot of attention on social media through her @MaryLeeShark account.
Argos Forum #80 | Innovations in Ocean Science
Exploring the possibility of using Argo float data to validate bathymetric data, Observing the Southern Ocean and beyond with an extremely long-lived drifting buoy, Elephant seals as an innovative source of in-situ observations in the Southern Ocean, etc.
The SELPAL Project
The project is implemented for a period of 2 years with the support of French organizations
Managing Argos data in Movebank
Movebank is a free online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology.
Ocean Business 2015
CLS will be present at the largest ocean technology event of the year. We hope to see you there!
Argos profiling floats onboard the Barcelona World Race
On “Argo Day”, all of the boats participating in the Barcelona World Race 2014/15 will launch an Argo profiling float into the ocean, as part of their round-the-world voyage.
iSTAR Project
Photo by Mike Fedak, SMRU, University of St Andrews.
CLS, Satellite services provider for Argo program
A fleet of robots dives and drifts through the global ocean, and it has revolutionized our understanding of our watery planet.
Day 3 IUCAWA 2014
Conference Notes. On November 20th, the morning presentations focused on using Argos tracking to assess the impact of climate change on wildlife.
The second day of the IUCAWA 2014
The second day of the IUCAWA 2014 conference notes
Conference notes of the IUCAWA 2014 on November, 18th
On November 18th, representatives from the four space agencies that manage the Argos system, CNES, NOAA, EUMETSAT and ISRO, opened the International User Conference on Argos Wildlife Applications in Baltimore, MD.
Dr. Randall Wells, invited speaker to IUCAWA 2014
Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, Chicago Zoological Society Nominee – 2014 Indianapolis Prize Program director of the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, the world’s longest-running study of a wild dolphin population.
Dr. Ceballos, invited speaker to IUCAWA2014
From jaguars to bison : ecology and conservation science in Mexico
Argos Forum #79 | Special Edition: International User Conference Argos
Diversity and ecology of species tracked by Argos, Wildlife tracking conservation applications, Using Argos to understand protected habitats and species, etc.
Dr Nan Hauser, invited speaker to IUCAWA2014
Dr. Nan Hasuer, President and Director of the Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation, participates as an invited speaker to the
International User Conference on Argos Wildlife Applications IUCAWA2014
International User Conference on Argos Wildlife Applications
November 18-20, 2014, National Aquarium , Baltimore (MD USA)
30th session of the Data Buoy Cooperation panel
ClS participates to the 30th session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel.
27 – 31 October 2014, Weihai, China
Dr Barbara Block, invited speaker to IUCAWA 2014
Marine biologist Barbara Block fits tuna with tracking tags (complete with transponders) that record unprecedented amounts of data about these gorgeous, threatened fish and the ocean habitats they move through…
IUCAWA2014 Argos Forum special edition
‘Farewell Whales’ in Cook Island Maori
Aa safe migration from Oceania to Antarctica where the whales will feed for the southern hemisphere summer.
Two magnificent birds of prey tracked with Argos
Adrian Aebischer invites us to follow the geolocation of two black kites on his blog. (photo credit : Adrian Aebischer)
Tagging and tracking whale sharks by a research team in Qatar
Satellite tags to track whale sharks movements
Sea turtles equipped with Argos transmitters
COCA LOCA Project : understanding turtles migration and threats in the Indian Ocean (photo credit: Ifremer)
Flamingo Conservation and Tracking in Bolivia
Flamingos can be tracked almost in real-time thanks to argos satellite transmitters.
Argos Forum #78 | News from the Ocean
tudies of currents in the Sea of Okhotsk and adjoining areas, Comparison of TMI and AMSR-E sea surface temperature with recent Argo near-surface temperature over the global oceans, The global drifter program and the implementation of the Argos-3 technology, etc.
34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation
CLS will be attending the 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation from April 10 to 17, 2014 in New Orleans, USA.
Tracking great spotted cuckoos
“In May of 2013, we began tracking several Great Spotted Cuckoos with Argos 5g solar PTTs. In July of 2013, the position of one of them stabilized in a location 50 kms away from its capture area and we believed it had died. The PTT still transmitted from time to time but it was impossible for us to find it with the information provided by these transmissions… Considering the investment that is made in our PTTs, the goniometer seems to be a good tool to ensure we get as much use out of them as possible…
Oceanology International conferences
CLS will be attending Oceanology International, from March 11 to 13, 2014 in London, UK.